Grace Galore
Grace Galore
Hopelessly Devoted

Hopelessly Devoted

How to grow your love for Jesus.

2 Peter 3:18

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

How do we grow our love for Jesus? Let me tell you a quick story to illustrate how I do it.

Years ago in 2000 while America was waiting on the Supreme Court to decide if Bush or Gore was gonna be the new President my husband and I went to Ghana, West Africa to start a Bible Training Centre. Way up in the mountains we began with a group of 5 farmers from the Bulsa region. The goal was to teach them Inductive Bible Study methods so they could return to their villages where many people had come to Christ, but there were no churches and no mature Christians to teach God’s word.

It was work for my husband, but I was invited to meet with a few Christian women for a time of worship and prayer. As we began one woman stood and simply said, “Let us worship”. I thought they were going to sing, but one by one they began proclaiming the names of Jesus. “You are the Bread of Life”, “You are my Redeemer”, “You are the Holy One of God”, “You are The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” and on and on around the circle. Praise flowing forth, the fruit of their lips giving thanks to His name. (Heb. 13:15)

I was moved to tears at the simple outpouring of love and adoration from these women. We had gone there to teach, but I was being excellently schooled in the art of devotion. I have never forgotten that experience. And many, many times I’ve been in worship meeting that felt stiff and void of the deep love those women expressed. We have a programs, they had passion. I knew I wanted to grow my love for Jesus so that my praises would vibrate with a deeply felt devotion. So I adopted their practice. I often fall to sleep rehearsing the names given to Jesus and to the Father and to the Holy Spirit.

Today I’m sharing a list with you. Print the transcript of this audio message and then start adding your own discoveries and favorites to it. Rehearse His names and let them grow your love. Learn to praise Him well, not to impress others, but to give Him the honor and glory due to His name. And if your praise can inspire others to want to know Him more deeply and to love Him more dearly, then Praise God.🙌🙌🙌

Here’s to us all becoming Hopelessly Devoted to Him!

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